

LB Site Diary

Stay on track in the field with track records

Are you a general or specialist contractor working on residential, commercial or infrastructure projects?

Track daily site activities and share progress reports instantly from your mobile app, without the time-intensive manual data collection back at the office – with LB Site Diary.


Track on the go

Wasting build time to-and-fro the office for Excel data when you need to pour concrete on site?

  • Stop risks and record mission-critical events from the get-go.
  • Give the red, amber or green light to your crews when they need to order, assemble and inspect the rebars for rust.
  • Stop scratching your head, starting from scratch everyday. Pick up the slack away from duplicates, and pick up where you left off with last-visit reports.
  • Switch hour-long office reports into real-time field insights with zero delays. Come in clutch – in one handy tool, right at your fingertips.


Secure proof of work

Going on the negative protecting your profits against disputes?

  • Turn razor-thin profit margins into positive cash flow with an airtight audit trail.
  • Protect yourself from stop work orders and liquidated damages when clients claim breach of contract with QHSE issues.
  • Control your locus of control, and back up claims against project delays showing force majeure on geo-location weather update.
  • Be in the loop without loopholes, with fool-proof data.

Stay on track in the field with track records
with LB Site Diary

Are you a general or specialist contractor working on residential, commercial or infrastructure projects?


Cut to the chase with subs

Tough to adjust your range with subs and hit the bulls-eye on a 6-week target?

  • Load and configure your favorite templates with labor, material and equipment data tied to your trade packages.
  • Work in a flow with your workflows – power up single to multiple reports, incoming daily to weekly, from all your subs.
  • Sync the battlefield in one-click, scope the field of view from ground zero and up, combat with boots on the ground, and win up and down the chain of command.


Fully tailor reports to your strategies

Challenging to find a customisable app without learning the ropes from scratch?

  • Work without workarounds. Add and change sections without limit, powered with your strategy-first tool on site.
  • Feed the app with your custom field data from material handling, workforce and logistics. All under the sun.
  • Stand out and put the finishing touch on your brand DNA with custom logo and colors. Brand your build, build your brand.


Stop sitting on the sidelines. Stay ahead of the game with 91ÌÒÉ«

Four apps right at your arsenal to streamline your build. The formula is simple. If you win, we win. 91ÌÒÉ« around the way you build.