
Building Better with GenieBelt

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What does “building better” actually mean? Well, in practical terms that construction contractors can do something about, it means three things:-

1.The work is all done to high standards so there is little or even no, post hand-over de-snagging to be done.

  1. The whole project is completed within the budget so that it shows a profit.
  2. It is completed on, or even before, the contractual hand-over date.

Do that and you will leave behind you a “delighted client”. That is “posh-talk” for one who will automatically come back to you the next time they have a construction project.

So how do you build better with GenieBelt? Well let’s have a look at those three criteria, one at a time. The standards of workmanship are dependant, to some degree at least, on the Site Managers having time to wander around the site keeping an eye on things. Now if the project is using GenieBelt that saves the site manger about 2hours a day because he isn’t handling paperwork. That is two extra hours wandering around the site. If he sees a bit of sub-standard work he will point it out to the tradesmen. They will put it right ASAP and that saves time and re-work for things which would have followed on. Then it gets better! The lads are a bit snooty and don’t like having holes picked in their work so they make sure that in future they do it right first time! So there you have the high standards, courtesy of GenieBelt.

Next we come on to the budget and showing a profit. Well we have already helped the profit bit simply with the above, but there is another slant to using GenieBelt. Because all information relating to the project is always up to date and instantly available, the QS knows exactly what is going on from the Build Programme. The Planner has come up with that list of Tasks then the QS inserts all the cash-flow data onto it. Because, with GenieBelt, everything is current and up-to-date on a daily basis, the QS can very easily keep track, on a daily basis, that profitability is being maintained on the project. Then come the month end when invoices have to be paid and sent out, it is equally simple with GenieBelt. He knows exactly what the client can be charged for and exactly what the sub-contractors should be asking for! He also knows about any changes to the original specifications and can adjust invoices accordingly. If anything is looking awry then the QS can blow the whistle and get invoices re-calculated. No arguments allowed because all the information is there, for all to see, on GenieBelt.So that is howGenieBelt is used to make sure the project is completed within the budget and that it shows a profit!

That just leaves us to see how GenieBelt can get that project completed by due date, or even earlier. That is something which is actually taken out of the main contractor’s hands to a large extent! The thing that does this is that Build Programme which GenieBelt makes available to everyone. When it was compiled the Planner used his head about the Tasks and the time each would take. He might even have gone as far as discussing that with the sub-contractors involved. The critical bit of this is that the Build Programme is regularly up-dated, preferably daily, to show the progress on each of the Tasks. The subbies can then look at it and they know that they should have x number of men on site at that date. They also know that if they don’t they are sticking their necks out and can be the ones clobbered for any Delay – focusses attention, that does! They also know if the project is beginning to run ahead of the original schedule, so they can organise themselves to fit in. They want to, of course, because the sooner they do their bit the sooner they get paid for it! Now we come to the bit that can really get that project accelerated! The skilled tradesmen also have access to that Build Programme. They have a look at it and see that, for example, they will be required on site for three weeks. Remember these guys are usually on price work. They think to themselves “Six weeks? If we bang it out in four weeks that is an extra fortnight’s money coming in this year! Family holiday paid for!” suddenly that lot of interdependent Tasks are a couple of weeks ahead of schedule! It makes a bit more work for the site management, though, because they have to make sure that the plant and materials for the follow-on Tasks are on site earlier than originally requested. Also means off site earlier and site overhead costs saved for a week or two!

You now know how, by using GenieBelt, you can